
Kivax International English school for kids

Kivax International English school for kids
九大学研都市駅近くにて、児童向け英会話教室「Kivax International」がオープンしました。この教室のレッスンは、英語教育プラス、ポジティブ教育という子供達がポジティブな考え方ができるよう心理的に働きかけるという特徴があるそうです。壁いっぱいに子供達が英語をらくがきのように書けるような空間を計画しました。
Currently English school for kids " Kivax International" is open near Kyudai Gakkentoshi station in Fukuoka. This English lesson uses the method called "positive psychology" that has as its purpose to use scientific understanding and effective interventions to aid a satisfactory life for the kids. Planned this space as the kids could draw graffities all over the wall.

Kivax International English school for kids
At first, this place was like the above.

Kivax International English school for kids
Partition wall using sliding doors is capable of partitioning the space in a variety of forms. We painted a special paint on the one side wall, so it becomes a white board. You can draw anywhere on the wall as shown in the top image.

Kivax International English school for kids
Blue color is said to be an effective color to help sustain concentration in color psychology. We chose blue carpets on the floor.

Kivax International English school for kids
This wall is covered with the chalkboard paint. The whole space reflects the client's idea, covered with the colorful kid's graffities that would be the decoration of the room.

Kivax International English school for kids
現在、こちらのKivax Internationalさんでは、入校説明会を実施中です。今週末10/11(土)には、「福岡初上陸!世界の子ども達が学ぶポジティブ教育親子体験会」というのが催されるそうです。まだ飛び込み参加できるかもしれませんので、詳しくは、Kivax Internationalさんのホームページをご参照下さい。
Kivax International has held the information session of the school. This coming Saturday, October 11th, they hold a special session which kids and parents have an opportunity to experiece their "Positive Education". You may still have a chance to join, so please check the detail on their website.

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Posted by Masakatsu Nishitani at 15:19│Comments(2)施工例 Works
I love the chalkboard paint covered wall!!! Awesome idea, Nuts!!!
Posted by Bella at 2014年10月09日 23:37
Bella, the chalkboard is quite reasonable and an easy DIY product, but whiteboard paint is really expensive and difficult to deal with it. Magnetic whiteboard is bloody expensive.
Posted by Masakatsu NishitaniMasakatsu Nishitani at 2014年10月10日 10:54