Tea house design

Masakatsu Nishitani

2013年02月28日 08:51

The biggest reason to return to Japan from South Europe is to learn the original architectural design of Japan. It is called Sukiya style which is the traditional Japanese architecture. I'm passionate to have basis of my design from Sukiya.

The small cottage for tea ceremony separated from the main building and faced to the garden was called "Sukiya". The beauty of this style comes from the delicate sensibility of the slender wood elements and other natural materials used, and the simplicity of ornamentation.

I'm currently learning Sukiya architectue from Shinohara Sukiya Workshop. I create 3D figures of tea house from the plan he drew and using my own idea.

I often visit his workshop and observe his works. This is always the best way to learn something.

The other day, I observed one tea house in Fukuoka. This is a push up window that's one kind of skylight of tea rooms, but this is the first floor. In fact, the light is hiding above the window.

I'll try hard to learn it as one Japanese.
