Chihiro Iwasaki

Masakatsu Nishitani

2013年02月06日 22:21

A few months ago, I went to the Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, designed by Arata Isozaki.

There was an exhibition of Chihiro Iwasaki who was a Japanese artist and illustrator best known for her water-colored illustrations of flowers and children. She's so famous here, but I'm a kind of contrary person and hadn't seen her works in ages. Recently I took an interest in water-color paintings and illustrated books, so I finally decided to see them.

I realized that I shouldn't have been a contrary person. Big mistake. I was so impressed with her works. She didn't use lines and colors that much , but even I could find out that she repeated drawings a million times.

可愛い作品なのに、なぜか切ない... 彼女の作品を見ると、水彩と素描の良さがますます好きになります。
Her works are cute, but sentimental. As I see her works, I like watercolors and sketchy drawings more.

I wanted to know more about this artist, I then bought two books about her. It seems that she had a stormy life. Finally I like her works.
